PCard - District Corporate Credit Card (Visa)
PCard Training - Available by appointment
Please send an email requesting an appointment to PCardsupport@dpsk12.org.
DPS' preferred method for acquiring goods (barring prohibited items) costing less than $10,000 is our VISA PCard.
Please find below the necessary links and documents for the DPS PCard program. All documents found here should replace any previously acquired PCard documents.
Can’t find what you’re looking for below? Send any questions you have about your PCard or the PCard process to our mailbox at PCardsupport@dpsk12.org.
How do I apply for a PCard / JP Morgan Chase VISA?
1. Read the Expense Handbook in its entirety.
2. Please watch the PCard section of a recorded Finance Training. (starts at minute 19:00 ends around 50:00)
3. Take the PCard Quiz with a passing score of 17 out of 20.
4. Fill out the Cardholder Application and Agreement and email to PCardsupport@dpsk12.org.
After a card has been approved and ordered, it usually takes 7-10 business days to arrive at the PCard office at 780 Grant St. Once you have been notified your PCard is available for pick-up, look at the following schedule for days/times available to pick up your card PCard Pickup Schedule. The Cardholder is the only person authorized to pick up their card and must show District ID upon arrival. Appointments are required.
PCards must be picked up within 60 calendar days of the cardholder being notified the card was ready for pickup. Any PCard not picked up after 60 days will be canceled and the user will need to reapply if a card is required.
Becoming a delegate or approver?
1. Read the Expense Handbook in its entirety.
2. Attend the new Employee Space training or meet with the PCard team for 1:1 training (30 mins)
PCard (VISA) - Forms
PCard Forms
NOTE: These forms are documents in the Google Drive. After you click on one, click the download button in the top right corner to create a fillable PDF.
- PCard Internal Transfer Form
- Colorado Tax Exemption Certificate
- Credit Limit Adjustment Request Form
- Food Approval Form
- Food Documentation Form
- Gift Card Purchase Request Form
- International Purchase Request Form
- Miscellaneous Debit/Credit Form
- PCard Application and Agreement
- PCard Reinstatement Application
- PCard Travel Procedures
- Prohibited Transaction List
- Reimburse the District Form
- Rental Vehicle Request Form
- Street Metered Parking Log
- Unavailable Documentation Form
PCard Newsletter
Procure to Pay Newsletters - 2025
Procure to Pay Newsletters - 2024
January 2024 - Skipped this month
Procure to Pay Newsletters - 2023
November - Skipped this month
Procure to Pay Newsletters - 2022
October 2022 - Whoops! Didn't get time to release one.
November 2022
Purchasing Department
780 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-423-1310
Fax: 720-423-1516Cindy Roth
Interim Director of Financial Operations
Cindy_Roth@dpsk12.orgElaine Grimmett
Site Manager