Department and School Support (Budget)

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    How we support departments 

    Department Financial Partners are assigned to each department to provide integral financial support to department leaders. Partners meet with department teams regularly to review actual spending, identify errors and irregularities, provide strategic analysis and develop forecasts for future spending. Support and guidance around budget development, fiscal resource management and implementation of strategic plans aligned with the Denver Plan 2020 are also provided. 

    How we support schools

    Each school is assigned the support of a Financial Partner. School Financial Partners are responsible for guiding school leaders through budget development and fall adjustments as well as monitoring budgets throughout the year. Partners meet with schools regularly to review remaining balances, forecast future spending, identify errors and irregularities and plan for future expenses. They also help ensure that school funding aligns with the academic goals of the school as well as major District initiatives.

    Financial Specialists

    The Financial Specialist (FS) Program is a centralized, fee-based position in which the schools/departments have a specialist dedicated to all financial aspects of budget and InfoHR functions. The FS position relieves responsibility from office staff for the purchasing, payroll, and some HR-related duties. The cost to the school/department is $17,750 for FY22-23. Costs may vary depending on department size. Please contact your Financial Partner for further information.

    Charter school partners

    Each charter school is assigned the support of a Charter School Partner. Charter School Partners are responsible for providing financial oversight and guidance on financial transactions and regulatory requirements (district, state and federal) to charter schools and district personnel. They also act as a connection point between the school and other DPS departments. The partners conduct on-site reviews of financial policies during renewal and conduct an annual analysis to determine the fiscal health and sustainability of charter schools.