Accounts Payable
Mission Statement:
The Accounts Payable (AP) Department is committed to delivering accurate and timely payment of approved supplier invoices in compliance with District policies and procedures, in addition to state and federal laws. By employing best practices, streamlining processes, leveraging technology effectively, and fostering strong relationships with our internal and external customers, we strive to strengthen fiscal stewardship, contribute to the District’s Climate Action Plan, and support the District’s Strategic Roadmap with integrity and accountability.
What does AP do?
√ Processes Supplier Invoices for Payment
√ Mangages Supplier Registrations through PaymentWorks
√ Processes Employee Reimbursements (mileage, per diem, etc.)
What does AP NOT do?
Χ Experts in account numbers or accounting units; see Accounting Operations
Χ Manage or have insight into your budget; see Dept. and School Support (Budget)
Χ Update cost center managers; enter DoTS Help ticket
Χ Does not change or edit purchase orders or requisitions; see Purchasing
***Supplier Invoice Requirements***
***FY25 Payment Schedule***
DPS Tax Forms:
- W9
- Colorado Tax Exemption Certificate
- Denver City and County Tax Exemption
- Home Depot Tax Exemption Certificate
- Walmart Tax Exemption Certificate
Employee Reimbursement forms:Reimbursements submitted after AFTER 60 DAYS will be subject to IRS tax per IRS Pub 463 and will be paid through payroll.
- Expense (Reimbursements) Handbook
- Food Approval Form
- Food Documentation Form
- Reimburse the District Form
- Street Meter Parking Log
Oracle Scripts:
- Assign a Delegate
- Approve an Invoice
- Lookup a Supplier
- Lookup Invoices and/or Payments from a Requisition
- Process an Employee Reimbursement
- Process a Mileage Reimbursement
- Process a Per Diem
- Review and Approve an Expense Report
- Supplier Registration Invitation
- User Manual
Request for Payment forms:
- Request for Payment
- (one-time payments athletics, parent/student reimbursements, Title funding payments, settlements)
Accounts Payable
780 Grant St, 3rd Floor
Denver, CO 80203Main Line: 720-423-1383
Fax: 720-423-1516
AccountsPayable@dpsk12.orgOffice Hours:
7:30am to 4:00pm
Monday - Friday**2025 Year-End Deadlines Memo**