Purchasing Department
The Purchasing Department shares the responsibility of expending District funds in such a manner that will meet all requirements of the State, Federal, and District procurement regulations and safeguard the public's trust. As a support department of the District, we will provide guidance to instructional and administrative departments for the procurement of goods and services.Mission
Purchase the highest quality goods and services at the best value while protecting the integrity of district funds and adhering to policies and procedures. We will maintain fair and equitable relationships with all business partners, provide quality customer service, and contribute to the district's mission: to ensure that each student achieves their highest personal potential.
NIGP - DPS receives Outstanding Agency Accreditation Award
Purchasing Department
780 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-423-1310
Fax: 720-423-1516Cindy Roth
Interim Director of Financial Operations
Cindy_Roth@dpsk12.orgElaine Grimmett
Site Manager