• Base Pay

    Teachers and SSPs: When you join Team DPS, you are set at a Step and Grade based on your relevant work experience and education level:

    NEW! (2024-2025 DCTA Salary Schedule)

    (2023-2024 DCTA Salary Schedule). 

    As you continue your career with DPS, you have opportunities to increase your base salary by earning a step or moving a grade.

    Associate Teachers: Associate teachers are licensed teachers in their first year of employment with the district who perform teaching responsibilities for at least 50% of the workday and participate in teacher development activities, as assigned by the Associate Teacher's supervisor for the remaining time. Because the role is limited to 1-year, these positions are not eligible for step or grade increases. Associate Teachers shall be placed on the Associate Teacher salary schedule according to the lane associated with their degree level.

    Earning Step Increases

    A step increase (or vertical movement down the salary schedule) is earned annually, after completing the school year with a qualifying performance rating. It is applied at the beginning of the next school year (August 1). You do not need to request a step increase, it is processed automatically by the Compensation department. There are 20 available steps per grade level. 

    DCTA Step Increases: General Eligibility Guidelines

    To earn the step increase, you must meet all eligibility guides and receive an evaluation rating of Approaching, Effective, or Distinguished on your annual evaluation (such as the Leading Effective Academic Practice (LEAP) program, the Leadership Excellence and Development (LEAD) program, or other evaluation program) and the SSP Growth and Performance System (SSP GPS).

    Earning Longevity

    Longevity is earned after you have been in a DCTA position for 10 of the last 15 years. After completion of your tenth year, you will be eligible for a Longevity Grade Change in addition to your annual step increase. For example, if you are in the MA + 18 Grade, then after the tenth year you will be moved to the MA + 36 grade. 

    To earn the longevity increase, you must meet all eligibility guides and receive an evaluation rating of Approaching, Effective, or Distinguished on your annual evaluation (such as the Leading Effective Academic Practice (LEAP) program, the Leadership Excellence and Development (LEAD) program, or other evaluation program) and the SSP Growth and Performance System (SSP GPS).

    Earning Grade Movement

    A grade change (or horizontal movement across the salary schedule) is earned by achieving higher education; completing Professional Development Units (PDUs) provided by DPS; working 10 years as a teacher in DCTA; earning and maintaining an advanced license/certificate; or becoming a National Board Certified TeacherIf an employee's advanced license or certificate is not on the approved advanced license/certificate list, DPS has a process to add it. The employee must submit a proposal by following the instructions on the Advanced License/Certification Qualification Application form for review.

    Submit Your Grade Change

    Review the User Guide carefully, which outlines the information you will need to complete your submission, including all documentation for each type of change to either increase your base pay or receive a lump sum payout.

  • Professional Development Unit (PDU) Lump Sum Payouts

    Teachers and SSPs that have completed ProComp eligible PDUs but are not eligible for a grade change may receive a $1,000 lump sum payment for every three (3) credit or $667 for every two (2) credit ProComp eligible PDU. Employees who are not eligible to move a lane as of September 1st 2022 are eligible to receive a $667 payment for completing the equivalent two (2) credit Equity Experience course. 

    Up to six (6) PDU credits per school year may be ProComp eligible.

    To receive a payout, you must submit a ProComp request form by logging into Employee Space in the Employee Action Center. Follow the User Guide to submit your request for a lump sum payout. Once approved, the lump sum will be paid on your paycheck no later than 30 days following approval.

  • Incentives

    DPS is committed to serving the whole child, closing the education gap, and giving you an opportunity for growth. Our incentives are focused on bringing the best teachers and SSPs to those students who face the most challenges. You can earn incentives based on where you teach and the type of assignment you take. The ProComp 3.0 General Eligibility Guidelines outline all incentives. 

    • Hard to Staff Incentive

      • You can earn $100 per paycheck ($2,000 annually) for working full-time in positions that have been determined to be Hard to Staff. The incentive is paid over 20 paychecks, beginning with the September 22nd paycheck and ending with the July 7th paycheck.
      • These positions are determined by the ProComp Implementation Team, which is composed of six district members and six DCTA members. Each spring, the ProComp Implementation Team uses district staffing data and local/national labor market data to determine the Hard to Staff positions for the following school year.

    • Title I Incentive

      • You can earn $100 per paycheck ($2,000 annually) for working full-time at a school designated as Title I. The incentive is paid over 20 paychecks, beginning with the September 22nd paycheck and ending with the July 7th paycheck.
      • Title I school designations are set by the district and are based on the percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch (FRL). Some schools that do not meet the FRL guidelines but still serve a Title I student population (such as ECE or Pathways schools) are included in the district’s published 2024-25 District Title I School List and eligible for Title I incentives. You can also view the 2024-25 Charter Title I School List
      • Eligibility for the incentive may change annually based on the school’s Title I designation. Information on Title I guidelines are located on the Federal Programs site

    • Distinguished Schools Incentive-The Distinguished Schools Incentive program recognizes schools demonstrating outstanding support for the whole child approach to education. Schools selected for this honor receive financial incentives for their entire team.

      • $750 lump sum payment to each team member (prorated by FTE)
      • Paid on the first paycheck in June
      • Minimum 0.2 FTE required to qualify
      • Includes all employees actively assigned to the school (including non-DCTA members)

      Selection Process
      • Ten schools may receive the Distinguished Schools Incentive annually
      • Schools can win once every three years
      • Winners selected by the ProComp Implementation Team (district and DCTA members)
      • Selection includes a variety of student populations and regions, including pathway schools

      Selection Criteria
      Schools are evaluated on excellence in:

      • Health Education
      • Physical Education and Activity
      • Nutrition Environment and Services
      • Health Services
      • Counseling, Psychology, and Social Services
      • Physical Environments
      • Social and Emotional School Climate
      • Employee Wellness
      • Family Engagement
      • Community Involvement
      • Support for historically marginalized students
      • Implementation of the Black Excellence Resolution
      • Implementation of the Know Justice Know Peace Resolution
      • Recruitment and Retention of BIPOC Educators

      How to Apply

      • Deadline: April 30 at 5:00 p.m.
      • Submit the Distinguished School Application APPLY NOW! here
      • More information on program here

    • Teacher Leadership Stipend

      • You can earn more by serving in formal teacher leadership roles under the Teacher Leadership & Collaboration (TLC) model. Eligible roles include Senior Team Leads, Team Leads, Team Specialists, Regional Team Specialist, and New Teacher Ambassadors.
      • Stipend amounts vary by role.  All payouts are based on working full-time.
        • Senior Team Leads (STLs) earn $275 per paycheck for ten months ($5,500 annually). Payments begin September 22, with the last payment received on July 7.
        • Team Leads (TLs) earns $165 per paycheck for ten months ($3,300 annually). Payments begin on September 22, with the last payment received on July 7. 
      • Teachers must be in the role and in a payable status (active or on a paid FMLA leave) on December 1 and May 1 to receive stipend amounts:
        • Team Specialists earn $1,650 annually ($825 received on December 22 and May 22 paychecks)
        • Regional Team Specialists earn $1,650 annually ($825 received on December 22 and May 22 paychecks)
        • New Teacher Ambassadors earn $880 annually ($440 received on December 22 and May 22 paychecks)

  • Tuition and Student Loan Reimbursement

    You may be eligible for student loan and tuition reimbursements, up to $1,000 per school year and $6,000 total per lifetime. 

    To receive payment, fill out the Tuition and Student Loan Reimbursement Form. Specific eligibility and payment guidelines apply and are outlined on the form. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for electronic signature. Forms are due to Payroll by the end of each month in order to be paid on the following month's second paycheck. The deadline to apply reimbursement credit for the 2024-2025 school year maximum is July 31, 2025.

  • How do I submit a grade change?

    Follow the User Guide to submit your grade change request in Infor. Review carefully for an outline of the information you will need to complete your submission, including all documentation for each type of change to either increase your base pay or receive a lump sum payout (for PDUs if you are credit-maxed).

  • What types of credits can I submit for a Grade Change?

    Participants in required DPS MLE/ELA courses will earn DPS credit and/or graduate credit that can be used for lane movement. DPS credit (15 contact hours is the equivalent of 1 credit) is available for all MLE/ELA required classes; university credit (paid for by DPS) is available for certain courses. Participants cannot earn both DPS credit and university credit for the same class.

    University Credit:

    Credits earned from a regionally accredited institution after your highest, most recent degree. 

      • You can check for regionally accredited institutions at this external link: https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/home.
      • Undergraduate or Graduate level credits can be submitted. 
      • We can only accept official transcripts. If you’re scanning a printed version, we need both sides, so scan both the front and the back of the transcript.
      • If you are submitting an advanced degree, transcripts must include the date the degree was conferred.
      • Have foreign transcripts? Here is the link to NACES for an evaluation of foreign transcripts:  http://www.naces.org/members.html

    PDU credit: 

    If you complete a District approved Professional Development Unit (“PDU”) you can also submit that for credit. You can complete a max of 2 PDUs per year. To see details and a list of PDUs, view this page.

  • How do I see my Step, Grade, Credits, Longevity, Incentives, etc.?

    Log in to the Teacher Portal (SSPs also). Under “Teacher and HR support” click on “My ProComp Summary Report” and log in when prompted. You do not need to be on a DPS computer to view this.

  • Why was my ProComp request rejected and who to contact?

    Please email hr_connect@dpsk12.org

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