• Internal Pathways & Development > Professional Development Units (PDU)

  • Action Research


    Professional Development Unit (PDU) is designed to support DCTA educators and SSPs to improve or acquire skills focused on topics of student need, including closing the opportunity gap.

    PDUs are worth 2 or 3 credits towards salary advancement. 

    Two Credit PDUs:  are equivalent to 30 clock hours per course, which are recognized by CDE for license renewal, and can be applied toward a grade change on the salary schedule. 

    Three Credit PDUs:  are equivalent to 45 clock hours per course, which are recognized by CDE for license renewal, and can be applied toward a grade change on the salary schedule. 

    PDUs provide educators and SSPs with the equivalent of two or three graduate credits (30 to 45 hours) that can be applied towards salary lane changes.

    PDUs have three components – StudyDemonstration, and Reflection, completed through a 30 to 45 hour (minimum) course of study.

    Types of PDUs

    • District-wide - open to educators across the district
    • School-wide - open to educators within specific school
    • Individual - self-directed PDU
    • CEU-PDU Conversion - CEU-PDU Application

    PDU Course Guide 2024-25 PDU Course Guide (new courses added in September, November, and January)

    PDU Leadership

    DCTA PDU Leaders can earn a stipend and/or credit for PDU Design and Facilitation! How?


    PDU Peer Reviewers

    DCTA Peer Reviewers are an intrinsic part of the PDU team, providing feedback and support to PDU leaders throughout the application process. Reviewers receive a $1000 stipend.  Applications for Peer Reviewers are considered in late Spring and promoted through DPS Teacher Weekly and DCTA The Slate. 

    PDU Advisory Council

    DCTA PDU Advisory Council members serve in an advisory capacity, working to continuously improve the PDU process and experience for both leaders and participants. This is a paid extra duty position. Teachers and SSPs with PDU experience are encouraged to apply!  Applications for PDU Council open seats are considered in late summer/early fall and promoted through DPS Teacher Weekly and DCTA The Slate 

    PDU Coaches

    The PDU Coach's purpose is to increase PDU proliferation and access to quality PDUs that are proven to exemplify best practices, through coaching new leaders on the implementation of pre-developed PDUs. PDU coaches are selected based on exemplary PDU design & facilitation.  Applications for PDU Coaches are considered throughout the year, based on need.  Reach out to the PDU Program Manager for more information.

Professional Development Units (PDU)

  • 24-25


Michele Deats, PDU Program Manager                                 michele_deats@dpsk12.net


  • Michele Deats
    Professional Development Units (PDU) Program Manager
