What is LEAP Video


    What is LEAP?

    LEAP or Leading Effective Academic Practice is our growth and performance system for teachers. LEAP is a multiple measures system that is aligned to academic standards and affords teachers the opportunity to reflect on practice and to make shifts in instruction and support based on a variety of data, including observations, professionalism, student voice, and student growth. This is a holistic approach that looks at multiple factors contributing to a teacher’s effectiveness, not just at one dimension of teaching.

    Rooted in the shared core value of “Students First,” the LEAP system provides a framework for recognizing that, as professionals, teachers require (and deserve) clear standards of performance, honest assessments of their strengths and areas for growth, helpful feedback, and support for further development. LEAP is designed to make teacher evaluation more meaningful and enable teachers to continue to develop as professionals and improve student performance.

    Ultimately, LEAP is one part of the whole system that ensures students are thriving, not by accident but by design.

    How was LEAP designed?

    Please click here to learn more about the development of LEAP.