New Employees

  • Welcome to the Team at Denver Public Schools!

    Three DoTS employees sitting at a table with their laptops

    Below you will find information to get you started at Denver Public Schools including details about your username and password, Gmail account, and other common systems you will need to access. 

  • Your DPS Username and Password

    DPS Employees

    Please refer to the Welcome Email you received in your personal email account during onboarding that contains your DPS username. To create your password:

    • Visit
    • Click Reset Password.
    • Bookmark this page for easy reference for when you need to change your password again.

    Charter Information

    For additional information related to Charter Schools including Contracting and Renewal, Partners and Supports and much more, please click here.

    Contractors, Volunteers, and other Non-Employees

    If you require a DPS login, please reach out to your DPS Sponsor/Manager and ask them to follow these instructions - Non-Employee Overview.


    For additional DPS systems information, please click the dropdowns below.

  • DPS Gmail and Google Workspace Account

    Google Workspace

    DPS is a Google district and we use the tools available in Google Workspace to collaborate across our teams. These tools include Gmail, Google Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, and Chat.


    All of our district primary communications are delivered to your DPS Gmail address. You can access your DPS Google account at, then log in with your DPS username and password.  

    Not familiar with using Google? Visit our Gmail and Workspace Commons page, the DPS Google Resource Libraryor the Google Help Center for more information.

  • Employee Action Center

    Employee Space 

    You can access Employee Space to view your benefits, update personal information, view paychecks, update direct deposits, and access tax deductions and forms. 

    Learning Space

    Learning Space or District and Professional Development is the staff facing Learning Management System (LMS) for DPS. Use this application to access official district training courses.

  • Duo Multi-Factor Authentication

    Before you access your personal information on Employee Space or Learning Space, you will be prompted to enroll in Duo Multi-Factor Authentication. This security feature keeps your personal information safe and secure by using a dual factor authentication process. To learn more about Duo and how to enroll, see TheCommons/Duo Security.

  • True Pay

    True Pay is the system to report your time and attendance including requesting time off. For questions about how to use True Pay, please contact the payroll department at 720-423-3900 or

  • Systems Access

    Some access such as Infinite Campus, Principal, Teacher and Office Professional Portals is granted automatically based on role and location. Other access requests, such as shared drives, Infor Lawson, VPN, MySchoolBucks and additional Infinite Campus access have specific requirements. Click here for more information.

  • Phone and Voicemail

    DPS phone extensions are not granted automatically. In order to be assigned a DPS phone extension, please submit a request at For the fastest service, provide your location/school, room number, alternate contact number and extension that currently appears on the phone. When your extension has been assigned, you will be able to set up your voicemail.

  • This is not a complete list of all the systems available to you. For more information about programs or access specific to your role, please reach out to your manager, school leader, or your onboarding partner.


  • Department of Technology Services (DoTS)
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St., 7th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

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    DoTS Help

    Call Us
    Monday through Friday
    720-423-3888 (English and Spanish)

    7 am - 4:15 pm


    EGC In-Person Support

    Please make an appointment at:

    DoTS In-Person Support


    In-Person Support QRCode