True Pay
How You Get Paid
Effective July 1, 2018 we improved how our team members were paid and simplified how most of our employees requested and tracked time off. True Pay, is our time and pay system, all team members receive two paychecks, one on the 7th and one on the 22nd of every month or the Friday before if those dates fall on a weekend.
What Do You Need to Do?
- Be sure to watch the True Pay training videos by clicking the + next to the group that pertains to you. You can find this link in the Guidelines, Job Aids & Training section found in the Quick Links section. You can also view the Quick Reference Guides and Supplemental Materials.
Use the FAQ below, the training videos, quick reference guides, and other materials located in the Quick Links section to find answers to your questions.
If you have additional questions not answered in the training materials, contact 720-423-3900
and choose option two or email (be sure to include your DPS employee ID).
Content Accordion
What's True Pay?
True Pay is our Time Keeping system we're using for most team members to report their time and attendance including requesting time off. It was developed by WorkForce Software and implemented on July 2018.
How do I access True Pay and what does it do?
To access True Pay, you can use one of these 3 options:
- Click the True Pay icon that you will see on your DPS desktop computer
- Select True Pay from the quick links section on
- Go directly to the URL:
You will log into the system using your DPS credentials. There, most team members will request and report time off and view or edit their timesheets. Teachers continue to use SmartFind Express for some of these functions.
I'm new to the district, what do I need to do?
- The first thing you need to do is take the True Pay training. You can find this link in the Guidelines, Job Aids & Training section found on in the Quick Links section.
- Second, you want to make sure your manager has assigned a permanent schedule to your record in True Pay.
- Lastly, you will need to ensure your timesheet looks accurate BEFORE the last day of the pay period. The pay period generally ends the 15th and last day of the month. Approvals occur on the next business day by 10:00AM. Click to view the 2018-2019 True Pay Approver Deadlines.
I’m having trouble logging in.
If you are having trouble logging in to True Pay with your username and password please try the following:
- Be sure to go to:
- Do not include
- Try a different browser (either Firefox or Google browsers recommended)
- Ensure you are using the username you use to log into your email, HR System, etc.
In some cases this might mean that your username is either your first name + underscore + last name, or first letter of first name + last name, etc. (e.g. Susy Queue might be either Susy_Queue or SQueue)
- If you need to reset your password, please go here:
- If you have tried logging in with your username more than 6 times, please let us know
· If none of those are working, please call DoTS Hotline at 720-423-3888 for immediate assistance. You can also email and leave a call back number, but please note, passwords cannot be reset through email.
Why do I keep getting emails telling me to enter time?
This is a system generated email reminding employees that it is the end of the pay period and to ensure your timesheet is right.
If you are an exempt salaried employee, you do not need to track your time in the system (as it should already show as Regular Elapsed), you will need to request absences (if you are not required to use Smart Find Express). Additional, if you are doing extra pay work on an hourly basis and your School Leader or another department asks you to enter those hours in True Pay, please do so.
If you are a salary non-exempt employee, you need to punch in and out of True Pay every day you work, request absences through the Time Off Request function, and ensure your timesheet results are accruate before the end of every pay period.
*Please note that any time that hasn’t been corrected by the end of the pay period may result in UNPAID hours.
I work at a school. Where do I go for additional questions?
For more questions and answers around school-based positions and procedures, please click on the link below:
Why am I seeing weird error messages referring to my schedule/FTE?
If you see a warning message at the bottom of your timesheet indicating "Schedule hours do not match planned FTE hours," the system has identified a discrepancy between your FTE and your scheduled hours for the pay period. All employees must have a schedule assigned to them and this schedule must match their FTE. Please let your manager know they need to update your schedule in the system. Information on how to update schedules can be found in the Schedule Template Selection and Schedule Maintenance Quick Reference Guide or the Scheduling training Module.
Example: The employee is a 1.00 FTE (8 hour a day employee) and in order to be paid correctly, they must have a 40 hour workweek schedule assigned to them. If this schedule is understated/overstated, the employee could potentially be underpaid/overpaid. When a manager assigns a schedule to the employee, this schedule should NOT be altered unless there is a change in the employee’s FTE or a change in their permanent schedule.
What will happen if I leave DPS?
If your last day is on or between the 1st and 15th, your last paycheck will be on the 22nd. If your last day is on or between the 16th and last day of the month, your last paycheck will be on the 7th of the following month.
I don’t see my employees under me in True Pay?
- True Pay gets the employee information from Infor HR, so whoever an employee reports to in Infor HR will be who they report to in True Pay. If your reporting structure needs to be updated in Infor HR please contact your HR partner or the HR Data team.
- If your information is correct in Infor HR, but still incorrect in True Pay please contact
What is the rounding rule and is it legal?
Employees are given 7 minutes prior to the start of a scheduled shift to punch in and 7 minutes after their scheduled shift to punch out. The Wage and Hour Division of the Federal Government recognizes the practice of rounding under FLSA, provided that the amounts rounded off average out over time and the practice does not result in the failure to properly compensate employees for all time actually worked.
Payroll Department
780 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203Phone
720-423-3900 (Select option 2)Email