2024 Office Support Summit

  • DPS Kids smiling and standing in a row on a rainbow rug


    To provide training and information to School Office Support in a multi-level format.

    • Multiple sessions will be offered at the same time, similar to a conference, where participants can choose sessions depending on their need and experience.
    • Session descriptions will note if prerequisites are needed to fully benefit from the content. 
    • Department staff will be available at 20+ booths from 10am-2pm to ask questions and network.
    • Presenters have also collaborated to create the District Office Support Handbook(see quick links), to support you after the Summit.


    Conference Schedule At a Glance

    The overview below shows the sessions organized by topic track and time block.
        Summit 2024 image of schedule
    Each 1/2, 1 or 2 hour session is offered twice. Sessions are color coded into topic tracks. See key at bottom of schedule and session types below for more details. 


  • Panel 10-15 minute exploration of a particular topic, followed by audience Question & Answers.

    Facilitator Led Presentation: Session that focuses on teaching you specific skill/s.

    Workshop: Hands-on session that focuses on learning and practicing specific skill/s.

    Working Lab: Bring your laptop and work, ask your questions of the experts.

    4-Hour Booth: Department staffed table, ask your questions and network. (central location, 10am-2pm)



Session Providers Only