Training for New School Office Support

  • Welcome

    Welcome to Denver Public Schools and your new role as a School Office Support. Your role is critical for each school as you are the visible representative at the school entrance -- helping teachers, students and parents who have needs and concerns. Also, you are often the primary point of contact with the central office departments around district information tracking, like data entry and finance record keeping. 

    Note that, as Office Support roles and responsibilities vary across the district and across traditional and charter schools, the two pre-days and all Summit sessions may (or may not) be applicable to you. 

    Please meet with your school leader and use the below information to decide which of the following training days are a good fit for your needs before you register. 

    Pre-Office Support Summit Days

    *New in 2024* The Pre-Summit Days were created in collaboration across district departments and are designed for newly hired School Office Support(though if you are not *new* but need the training, you are welcome to sign up). Each day has a different focus:


    Office Support Summit

    The Office Support Summit offered at Manual High School is the district’s yearly conference-style training for School Office Support, where you can select and register for the sessions offered by departments across the district that best meet your needs. Review the Summit homepage and the session listing for details. 


Pre-Summit Days Information

Quick Links