Classified Reimagined


  • Complete Mid-Year Evaluations & Conversations for ESPs/Classified Team Members by Jan 31

    It's time to host Mid-Year (MY) conversations with your Education Support Professionals (ESP)/Classified team members. Supervisors must complete an evaluation for each direct report and submit it to the Growth & Performance team by January 31, 2025.

    Supervisors Next Steps:

    • Review the Best Practices Checklist, Screencast, and Slide Deck.
    • Schedule time to meet with your employees individually in accordance with applicable bargaining agreements and timelines.
    • Invite your direct reports to complete a self-reflection.
    • Draft MY evaluation forms. Ratings are not provided during mid-year.
      • For those who set goals, now is a good time to review progress on goals.
    • Meet for the MY conversation.
    • Submit MY evaluations using this LINK.

    Team Members Next Steps:

    • Complete a self-reflection form (optional, yet strongly recommended).
    • Connect with your supervisor for a mid-year evaluation conversation and discuss progress, personal development, and make adjustments to work/projects as needed.

  • Updated Classified Reimagined Performance Evaluation (published 9/25/24)

    We are excited to share a couple of updates to the Classified Reimagined Performance Evaluation!  

    1. OPTION TO SET GOALS:  We have added the option for team members to set job specific goals to the evaluation form. Leaders now have the ability to require team members to set goals for the school year. In addition, a rating scale specifically designed for goals has been added. 
    2. EXISTING RATING SCALE UPDATE  While the rating scale is still focused on demonstration of performance factors, the descriptions of the ratings have changed slightly and the titles for each rating category have been updated to align with the LIFT, LEAD & LEAP performance evaluations (Not meeting, Approaching, Effective, Distinguished). 

  • Complete BOY Conversations for Classified Team Members by 10/1/2024

    The Classified Beginning-of-Year (BOY) window is now open (August - October 1st)! It’s time to host conversations with your Educational Service Providers (ESP)/Classified team members. 

    Next Steps:   Schedule time to meet with your employees individually in accordance with applicable bargaining agreements and timelines. During the meeting:

    • Review the team members job description

    • Review the new Classified: Reimagined evaluation and process

    • Discuss areas of focus for the most significant positive impact to the building or with populations served

    • Discuss any growth areas for individual professional development

    • Share the timing and processes for sharing feedback throughout the year in support of the employee's ongoing professional growth


  • Photo of Food and Nutrition Staff at South

    The Classified Reimagined performace evaluation is in place to provide clear, inclusive and equitable expectations and feedback for the growth and development of Education Support Professionals/Classfied Employee Groups.

    Components of Classified Reimagined

    Classified Employees will be evaluated on 5 Performance Factors. Goals are optional for Classified. 

    Please click on the + sign below to view more details about the framework components.

  • Performance Factors

    Employees will be evaluated on the following Performance Factors:

    1. Job Knowledge
    2. Quality/Effectiveness of Work; Operational & Organizational
    3. Personal & Values
    4. Communication; People & Culture
    5. Teamwork; Community & Equity

  • Goals (optional)

    Leaders have the option to require team members to set goals for the school year.  Team members may set 1-3 individual goals and it is a best practice for everyone on the same team to have the same number of goals.  Ensure the goals being set are S.M.A.R.T. and aligned to the Department’s priorities and the DPS Strategic Roadmap.  Use the goals section in this form to set and progress monitor goals and rate goals at End-of-Year. 



    Office of Talent
    1860 Lincoln Street, 9th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

    Marlyn Ruiz
    Site Manager