Gifted and Talented
Welcome to the Gifted and Talented Department for Denver Public Schools!
The Gifted and Talented team is focused on providing equitable, high impact identification and programming for gifted learners to thrive.
- School Leader Guidance for Gifted and Talented Education
- School-based Interview Questions Guide: A member of our central office GT team would be happy to be part of the interview team for any GT service provider that you hire. Please consider using the following document for suggested interview questions.
- GT Teacher/Point of Contact Manual
- GT Family Website
- Advanced Learning Plan FAQ
Who is the GT Contact at each school?
- Gifted and Talented Service Provider by school - Master Map
- Gifted and Talented Central Office Curriculum Specialist Support Structure
Please contact your manager, principal or operational superintendent with questions.
Gifted and Talented Team
1860 Lincoln Street8th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-423-2056
Meryl Faulkner, Ed.D.
Interim DirectorNathan Burt
Program ManagerBertie Fiz
Program Manager