Professional Development Units (PDU)
A PDU is differentiated, action research learning with application to practice designed to support teachers and SSPs to improve or acquire skills focused on topics of student need, including closing the oppoortunity gap. This is learning beyond opportunities provided during contract hours and provides educatiors with the autonomy to opt into additional development to continue to advance thier professional practice. To ensure that PDUs are equivalent to rigorous, graduate level, two and three credit university coursework, the guidelines in this document identify the requirements for PDU proposals and leaders. For additional informaiton about the DCTA/DPS contract regarding PDUS, please see this document.
PDU Participation
Check out the 24-25 PDU Course Guide to see all the two and three credit PDUs that are available for each session: Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Yearlong PDUs. PDUs are also organized by audience (Districtwide or Schoolwide), content, and start dates. New PDUs are added to the course guide after each application cycle (August, October, January), so check back often!
PDUs have three components – Study, Demonstration, and Reflection, completed through a 30 (2-credit) or 45 hour (3-credit) course of study and provide educators and SSPs with the equivalent of two or three graduate credits (30 to 45 hours) that can be applied to salary grade changes.
Visual learner? Then, check out the PDU Participation Process Map!
PDU Leadership
Do you have a problem of practice you would like to explore with colleagues? Are you an aspiring leader who would like to get leadership experience by leading a turnkey (predeveloped) PDU? Have you fallen in love with a PDU you've taken and are intereseted in leading it for colleagues? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then YOU may be a future PDU leader!!
There are two types of PDU Leader stipends per course: Designers ($2000 for 3-credit/$1500) for 2-credit and Facilitators ($1500 for 3-credit/$1000 for 2-credit). Find more resources regarding PDU Leader roles and requirements in these links.
Looking for support in designing a PDU? Then join Dr Timothy Brown and I each Fall and Spring as we lead the PDU Design Course (worth 1-grade change credit). Check out the syllabus, course dates, and registration link in the "Design Course" tab in the 24-25 PDU Course guide!
Visual learner? Then, check out the PDU Leader Process Map!
Individual PDUs
Have you participated in a Continuing Eductation experience that you would like to extend into a PDU for grade change credits? Investigate our CEU (Continuing Education Credits/Units) to PDU opportunity. The CEU-PDU conversion process allows for 20 hours of CEUs to be applied towards the study and cohort learning requirement of PDUs. To obtain PDU credit, an additional action research plan must be developed and implemented, informed by CEU content, with documentation of study, demonstration and reflection components per PDU guidelines.
PDU Coaches
The purpose of the PDU Coach is to support leaders who are facilitating PDUs from our PDU Turnkey bank (see "Leadership Opportunities" tab in the PDU Course Guide) in order to increase PDU proliferation and access to quality PL that is proven to exemplify best practices, through coaching new leaders on the implementation orf pre-developed PDUs. PDU coaches are selected based on exemplary PDU design and facilitation. If a PDU you have designed becomes a turnkey you would have the opportunity to coach the cohorts of your PDU. See the job description here.
PDU Peer Reviewers
The team of PDU Peer Reviewers are an intrinsic part of the PDU application process by providing "coaching to approval" feedback and support for PDU applicants. PDU Reviewers are experienced PDU leaders and content experts. Applications for PDU Peer Reviewers will be advertised here and in Teacher Weekly each Spring.
PDU Application Cycles 24-25
August 30, 2024; October 18, 2024, January 10, 2025, and April 11, 2025 (for Fall 2025 PDUs)
Application Instructions HERE
PDU Advisory Council
The PDU Advisory Council members serve in an consultive capacity, working to continuously improve the PDU process and experience for both leaders and participants. This council has lead the charge to streamline the PDU application process by eliminating redundancy, as well as the development of an PDU Equity Turnkey bank which will launch in Fall of 2025. This is a paid extra duty position. Teachers and SSPs with PDU experience are encouraged to apply! Applications for PDU Council open seats are considered in late summer/early fall and promoted here, Teacher Weekly and DCTA The Slate.
Here's what DPS educators and SSPs have said about their PDU experiences:
- "Thank you for making this PDU clear, efficient, and effective."
- "This was the most well-organized, meaningful, and personally impactful PDU I have taken in DPS."
- "Kali Peracchia is an amazing human. Such a wealth of knowledge AND a good human?! What a win. This was the best PDU I have ever taken."
- "Lucy provided a safe, welcoming place to grow our practices, excellent work Lucy!"
- "This was a fantastic PDU. So well organized and with concrete tools I can use in my classroom and life. Thank you."
- "You are amazing!! I LOVE that you developed and presented this PDU to encourage engagement of staff at Lowry Elementary with all the staff and students in the DHH program."

Michele Deats
Professional Development Units (PDU) Program ManagerContact
Contact Us
Academics DivisionProfessional Development Units (PDU) Team
Emily Griffith Campus, 9th Floor