• Internal Pathways & Development > The Professional Learning Team

Welcome to The Professional Learning Team

  • Professional Learning Events 

    Professional Learning Days (August, September, October, January, February, April)

    Central-directed Professional Learning Days support the success of every student by building educators’ capacity to deepen their understanding of content and best practices with a focus on the District cornerstones of Equity, Instructional Excellence, and Collaborative Teamwork.

    Universals - School Leaders and Instructional Leadership Team (July, January, June)

    Universals are large gatherings specifically for school leaders to hear the latest information from DPS Senior Leaders. These meetings often include voices from the field and special guest speakers.  They are held three to four times a year. 

    Leadership Weeks (Fall, Spring, June, July) - School Leaders and ILT

    The purpose of Leadership Weeks is to provide all school leaders the opportunity to deepen their learning and leadership of the Transition Priorities. 

    Summer Professional Learning (June-August) - Teachers and Leaders

    Summer professional development experiences provide teachers and leaders with opportunities to build capacity, grow their instructional excellence and leadership skills, and support our students.


    Professional Learning Team

    1860 Lincoln Street | 9th Floor

    Phone: 720-423-2482

    Professional _Learning@dpsk12.org


    Carmen Stagg

    Manager, Professional Learning
