Black Student Success Team

  • Purpose Statement 

    Our students come to us WHOLE and eager with gifts of brilliance and rich experiences that deserve to be honored in their learning environment(s). It is our collective responsibility to build systems that develop, reinforce, and hold each other accountable to asset-based mindsets and practices. By empowering the learning lab schools, we will prioritize and implement strategies that promote Black student intellectual engagement and achievement. We will actualize our commitment from the Black Excellence Resolution and be equitable by design. We will co-create joyful experiences where the excellence of our Black students shine and their brilliance knows no bounds.

    About BSS: 

    The Black Student Success (BSS) team will collaborate with a cohort of schools, local and national community partners, and internal departments to expand excellence across DPS in service to our Black families, students and educators.

    BSS Learning Lab Cohort Schools: 

    • Columbine Elementary
    • Green Valley Elementary
    • Joe Shoemaker School
    • Lowry Elementary
    • Oakland Elementary


  • Black Student Success Team
    1860 Lincoln St.
    Denver, CO 80203

    Photo of Michael Atkins

    Michael Atkins
    Director of Black Student Success