DPS Belong

  • Belong

    Employee-built groups fostering diversity and inclusion.

    DPS Belong groups are intentional spaces for people with similar backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences to gather, celebrate, and create community. We recognize that our employees from underrepresented backgrounds bring diverse experiences, perspectives, and approaches to the work that we do. These experiences and perspectives are what create a stronger and more inclusive environment for both our employees and our students.

    While these spaces are very important, COVID and other significant changes in the district have disrupted the sustainability and maintenance of these spaces. We are re-launching this space in the 2023-2024 school year with intention to fortify a stronger foundation and co-lead structure for groups to flourish.

  • Join a Belong Group! Established groups include:

  • African American/Black Belong Group

    More information coming soon. For now, Check out this brief introduction video! 

    Continue to be excellent. Continue to push through. We are a unit of support, and you are whole. 

    Group Lead:

    Rose Warnick - rose_warnick@dpsk12.net

    Co-Lead(s) Wanted! Send an e-mail to: dps_belong@dpsk12.net

    Join the group by signing up here!

    Image for Black Belonging offerings

  • Beyond Parenting

    This group has interested members but none quite have the capacity to lead without co-leadership. Help us get this group off the ground today!

    Join us by signing up here!

    Co-Lead(s) Wanted! Send an e-mail to: dps_belong@dpsk12.net

  • Christian Educators

    More information coming soon! Stay tuned as all newly established groups (this group, included) finish ideating with intentionality: (1) what these affinity spaces look like for all members, and (2) how each space will serve to build community with other affinity spaces.  


    Angela Faison | angela_faison@dpsk12.net

    Rosalind Sullivan | rosalind_sullivan@dpsk12.net

    Join us by signing up here!

    Logo for Christian Educators Belong Group

  • Citizens of the World

    This group will share/learn about all cultures: different traditions/practices; food restrictions, diets, popular dishes; different norms; languages spoken; everyday life; religion; cultural celebrations; etc. Also, in the name of equity, it will identify stereotypes and present the counternarrative as one step towards dismantling the prejudice, racism, and inequity that pervade society.

    More details to come! This group has interested members but none quite have the capacity to lead without co-leadership. Help us get this group off the ground today!

    Join us by signing up here!

    Co-Lead(s) Wanted! Send an e-mail to: dps_belong@dpsk12.net

  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing

    We plan to make DPS an ideal place to work by helping individuals find their voice in a large organization. Our goal is to build a supportive group of DPS employees who either personally identify as D/deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), or who have a passion for the DHH community.
    We plan to make DPS more inclusive by providing accommodations for our events and promoting the awareness that individuals with reduced hearing have shared experiences that are unique and sometimes challenging.  We recognize there may be many people throughout the district who would benefit from a space for connecting with others who understand and advocate for issues affecting the DHH community.
    Our target audience is anyone who has reduced hearing of any degree, considers themselves D/deaf, or hard of hearing, or anyone who is interested in supporting or learning about individuals in the DHH community.
          Julie Naski Roman - jnaski@dpsk12.net
    Robin James - robin_james@dpsk12.net 

  • Deconstructing Privilege Belong Group

    "Deconstructing Privilege" is a dedicated forum for DPS team members to collectively explore and confront issues related to privilege. Committed to understanding and addressing its impact from diverse perspectives, our mission is to contribute to DPS improvement through open discussions and ongoing learning opportunities. Through this intentional work, we aim to equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to dismantle oppression. DPS staff can engage more effectively with others, creating space for self-reflection and building a more inclusive and equitable community.

    This group is a space for DPS Team Members to explore issues related to privilege. It welcomes those who are committed to understanding and addressing the impact of privilege on both others and ourselves, from various perspectives and intersectionalities. Use the link below to sign up and we will reach out to you with more details.


    Lauren Sexauer Bartschlauren_sexauer@dpsk12.net

    Noah Tonk | noah_tonk@dpsk12.net


    Join us by signing up here! 

  • Differently Abled Together (DAT)

    Welcome to Differently Abled Together (DAT), an affinity group within DPS designed for educators who identify as having a disability or who support others with disabilities. Our group values anonymity and does not require disclosure of disabilities for membership. DAT provides a safe and supportive space for DPS employees with both visible and invisible disabilities to connect, network, and enjoy camaraderie. As our community grows, we are committed to serving as advocates and offering assistance to members with diverse disabilities.

    To join DAT and access more information, please complete the sign-up form below. We're enthusiastic about fostering this supportive community together!

    Join us by signing up here!   

    And check out the DAT website!

    Yellow and Blue Disability People Logo

  • Latina Leadership Belong Group

    This group is for current or aspiring Latina Leaders who are interested in having a network of Latinas that will inspire, support, and develop each other through personal experience and intentional conversations. Toghether, it will be our focus to support, grow, and develop Latina Leaders in DPS.

    Lead: Lacey Nelson - Lacey_Nelson@dpsk12.net

    Co-Lead(s) Wanted!

    Join us by signing up here!

  • Latinx/Hispanic Belong Group

    Hi! I am Brianna Cherry, and I am excited to invite you into our Latinx/Hispanic Belong Group!

    Our Belong group commits to being learners, advocates, influencers, and supporters and inspiring ourselves, our DPS team, and our students. We hope to make DPS more inclusive by:

    • Do a lot of listening/trying to find the wants of our community
    • Advocate for our students, low-income schools with limited resources
    • Help students build a better understanding of their roots/history
    • Provide resources for teachers
    • Attending community events/having small community events
    • Partner with District parent Latino group
    • Bring our stories/experiences


    Brianna Cherry | Brianna_Cherry@dpsk12.net

    Leticia Levi | leticia_levi@dpsk12.net

    Lillian Pachecholilian_pacheco@dpsk12.net

    Join us by signing up here!

  • LGBTQIA+ Belong Group


    The LGBTQIA+ Belong Group aims for the following:

    • Mission:  We strive to create a supportive LGBTQIA+ community, fostering self-acceptance free from judgment. Through advocacy and celebration, our mission is to promote equality, empower individuals, and build a world where love and understanding triumph over discrimination, embracing the diversity of human experiences.
    • Vision: To be a space where all can gather, celebrate, express themselves and pursue a more equitable world regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.  To be a space where all can gather, celebrate, express themselves and pursue a more equitable world regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We will foster a safe space for all LGBTQIA+ community and allies within Denver Public Schools.

    If any of this resonates with you, then we welcome you to join us! 

    Please contact Alicia Sierra (sher/her/hers), Karley Ford (she/her/hers) or Marina Rios (she/her/hers) for more information. Subsequently, keep watch of your inbox for information on the first meeting! 


    Karley Ford | karley_ford@dpsk12.net

    Marina Rios marina_rios@dpsk12.net

    Join us by signing up here!

    Logo for LGBTQIA+ Belong Group

  • Managers of Color Belong Group

    Managers of Color Collective is an employee resource group that works to improve psychological safety, and our overall work experiences, and to support leaders of color at Denver Public Schools. 

    We are dedicated to the engagement, collaboration, and support of all managers of color which encourages development, success, and growth.

    We focus on sharing knowledge and support; providing a community space for managers of color to connect and uplift each other; fostering an environment for discussion and collective problem-solving or thought-partnership; promoting engagement and networking; and creating professional and personal development opportunities. 

    This is a group intentionally designed by leaders of color, for leaders of color.


    KG Kujjo - KG_Kujjo@dpsk12.net

    Alena "Lenny" Jimenez - alena_jimenez@dpsk12.net

    Join us by signing up here!

  • Visa-Sponsored Educators

    More information coming soon! Stay tuned as all newly established groups (this group, included) finish ideating with intentionality: (1) what these affinity spaces look like for all members, and (2) how each space will serve to build community with other affinity spaces.  


    Marlin Nino Mantilla,  l_nino-mantilla@dpsk12.net

    Diana Salinas, diana_salinas@dpsk12.net

    Silvia Curiel-Torresscuriel@dpsk12.net

    Juan Corraljuan_corral-luna@dpsk12.net

    Join us by signing up here!

    Logo for Visa-Sponsored Educators Belong Group

  • Women of Color Belong Group

    Visit the Women of Color website HERE.

    Mission: The Women of Color Belong Group (WOC) is committed to the empowerment, development, collaboration, and comradery of our members within a supportive network and sisterhood of professional women. Our goal is to support district effort to:

    • Create an ingrained support system for our educators including a protocol where employees of color can learn about the list of Belong Groups upon hiring
    • Work for the advancement, retention, support, and development of Women of Color across departments through professional development, training, skills courses, mentorship, and engagement activities.
    • Create caring communities through the strategic use of text, email, meetups, events, and programs for youth (i.e. Pathways to Teaching for HS students, Career Fairs for youth, Speaker’s Bureau)
    • Collaborate with organizations and facilitators that support the ongoing development and support of our initiatives and goals of our WOC group
    • Engage in social outings, health/wellness activities, and fun events that promote sisterhood and self-care for body and soul.

    Join us by signing up here.

    To see upcoming events, view the WOC Group event calendar


    Lead: Imari Ross, imari_ross@dpsk12.net

  • Want to start a new group? 

    Contact DPS Belong at DPS_Belong@dpsk12.org for more information on how to start a group. 

    Examples of past Belong Groups

    • Asian
    • Beyond Parenting: Single Parents and Blended Families
    • Jewish
    • Native
    • The Village (for parents/guardians/grandparents/etc of Af Am Children)

    Examples of possible NEW Belong Groups

    • New to Denver!
    • Mental Health Awareness Group (No Stigma | No Shame)
    • Multilingual Speakers
    • Health and Fitness Gurus
    • Special Service Providers United
    • Travel Companions
    • AAPI

    The possibilities are endless! (*Within reason)