ED Talks

  • The intent of DPS ED Talks is to promote adult learning, professional development, community engagement and relationship building. The series promotes an intellectual climate by bringing together team members and the Denver community to hold conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion in our schools and communities. Each ED Talk will also feature a thought-provoking speaker to center our topic for the night.


    These talks provide an opportunity to continue on a learning journey beyond the school and classroom. Refreshments are provided.

    Upcoming ED Talks

    February 21, 2023 - Teaching for Black Lives (Virtual)
    Dr. Myron Anderson
    VP for Inclusive Excellence
    University of Texas at San Antonio

    March 21, 2023 - We are the Change (In-person)
    Joshua Trinidad 
    Senior Manager

    April 18, 2023 - Finish Strong (In-person)
    Michael Sykes

    Register here - https://tinyurl.com/Edtalks2023

  • Supporting Our LGBTQ+ Community

    This ED Talk gathered DPS team members and the Denver community for a workshop on how we can support our LGBTQ+ community and key considerations for creating an inclusive school culture for LGBTQ+ students of color. The workshop was presented by the non-profit organization, Youth Seen.

  • Are You Culturally Responsive with Dr. Rosemarie Allen

    This ED Talk with Dr. Rosemarie Allen promoted the use of culturally affirming and culturally responsive strategies with students. The journey towards racial equity begins with being self-aware. Once biases are recognized, de-biasing activities can take place. Culturally responsive practices are most effective when educators are aware of implicit and explicit racial bias and work daily to reflect, act and grow. Aware is halfway there!

  • Students Speaking Up

    Part two of our three-part series focused on belonging featured stories from our students on what it means to belong- in DPS, in the community and in life, through spoken word performances, personal stories and more. Featuring students from YAALL (Young African American and Latinx Leaders).

    Read a recap of the ED Talk here.

    Download the flier here.

  • Conversations on Identity and Belonging

    Conversations on Identity and Belonging brought together individuals from different communities to discuss how we can better raise awareness around the culture and diversity of the Latinx, Chicanx and Hispanic communities and create a culture of belonging for our students, educators and community members. 

    Read a recap of the ED Talk here.

    View flier

  • Layla Avila: Leading with our Values to Create Sustainable Change

    How and why do we need to elevate the voices and leadership of Black and Latino educators? Education Leaders of Color was founded by and for Black and Latino education leaders to create a network that supports and elevates Black/Latino leaders with the end goal of proliferating the field with more diverse, values-aligned leaders. Key among these values is creating sustainable change and working with communities. For change to take root and get to our goal of ensuring our students have better educational experiences, we must develop solutions with those directly affected.

    System leaders must draw input from their administrators, administrators from teachers, and teachers from students and parents. But doing so necessitates building a culture of trust which is not always present in our learning communities. Great leaders build great cultures: where student, parent and teacher voices, especially those of traditionally underrepresented populations, are valued and heard.
    Layla Avila will talk about the transformation of her own leadership as teacher, school board member, and education leader, how she let go of the fear of hearing from her stakeholders to establish stronger organizational cultures, and how it’s imperative that during this time we build strong cultures where we listen to those most affected by our efforts to improve education.

    Click here for the speaker bio.

  • Black. A play and discussion about race in our community by the Curious Theatre Company

    Join Curious Theatre Company for a short play by a young local writer from our Curious New Voices project followed by a discussion. Set at the funeral of a black child, this startling and original play gets to the heart of the matter on communication between races. Teen audiences have responded with enthusiasm, insight and deep conversation after seeing this piece. The play presents a great jumping in point for a facilitated conversation about our own roles and voices regarding race in our community.

    Want to have Curious Theatre Company perform Black. at your school? Contact info@curioustheatre.org.

    Click here for the speaker bio.

  • Support for the Whole Child and Whole Adult

    Listen to insights from DPS students and teachers, participate in breakout sessions focused on emotional and physical well-being, and learn about local wellness resources for children and adults during our Wellness Fair.

  • Dr. Sharroky Hollie: Six Ways to Know if You’re Culturally & Linguistically Responsive

    The phrase “culturally and linguistically responsive” has now become cliché, the death knell in education. Cultural responsiveness benefits all students, in particular, those students who have been traditionally underserved in the United States’ schools. Given its importance to empower and inspire educators to be responsive and for students to be academically successful, how do you know if you are culturally and linguistically responsive in your mindset and skill set? Find out through a motivating, inspiring, and thought-provoking keynote address.

    View the slides: Six Ways to Know If You Are Culturally Responsive (.pdf)

    Click here for the speaker bio.

  • Principal Kafele: Culturally Responsive Education

    Click here for the speaker bio.

  • Ash Beckham: Give Voice to Your Truth

    Click here for the speaker bio.