Leadership Excellence and Development

LEAD Professional Learning & Development

  • Mid-Year and End-of-Year Conversation

    New to LEAD

    This training session is for school leaders who are new to their role. The purpose of this training session is to provide leaders new to LEAD with all of the important information needed to begin using the LEAD Growth & Performance System in their role.

    To register login in to Learning Space and search for: New to LEAD

    LEAD Annual Orientation

    The LEAD Annual Orientation is a 30 minute training that seeks to ensure a basic understanding of the LEAD Framework among both those who are evaluators of LEAD as well as those who are evaluated by LEAD. The course covers both Professional Practice and Growth elements of the overall LEAD rating.

    To register login in to Learning Space and search for: LEAD Annual Orientation

    Bias Training for Evaluators of LEAD

    By understanding our own biases as evaluators, we can be on the look-out for triggers and counter their possible effects on a rating. The goal of this training is not to eliminate biases, or to make judgements about them; rather it is to help identify our biases and recognize patterns of thinking we need to set aside as we align what we observe to our shared interpretation of effective leadership. 

    To register login in to Learning Space and search for: Bias Training for Evaluators of LEAD

    Principal/Administration Licensure Renewal Certification Requirements

    Review the training bundles in this Principal/Administration Licensure Renewal Certification Requirements document and select the bundle that makes the most sense for your role and complete all the trainings listed under that bundle.

    Resources for Aspiring School Leaders




  • Office of Talent
    1860 Lincoln Street, 9th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203


    Marlyn Ruiz
    Site Manager


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