Advanced Trips

  • Cory_Elementary_School_Students_Playing_Soccer

    IMPORTANT: DPS Transportation has transitioned out of TripTracker and is using a new technology called AdvancedTrips for the 2024-25 school year. 


  • Requesting on Advanced Trips

    Here is our step-by-step guide on making requests in Advanced Trips.

    • All Athletic Directors, coaches and school staff that require yellow bus support should be familiar with Advanced Trips software.
    • Standard athletic trips, excursions and MFSAB rentals are to be requested through Advanced Trips.
    • Standard athletic trips include all regular season games, scrimmages, or practices requiring transportation support.

    It is strongly suggested that trip requestors should continue to check the status of a trip after it is entered into Advanced Trips to confirm the trip was approved/supported. Trip requests could be "rejected" for something as simple as the return time is outside the times trips run. The trip requestor has the responsibility to check the trip status prior to the trip date; not Transportation calling the requestor regarding a trip rejection. It will be unwise to ask for bus support the day of the trip which was previously rejected.

    Please take a look at these files for information on navigating Advanced Trips

    In order for a DPS school employee to get access to Advanced Trips, the school’s principal must request access through the email address. 

  • Placeholder Requests for Tournaments & Playoffs

    Tournament and playoff games often require additional flexibility since the specific game times or even dates are not always known until shortly before the actual event. In order to accommodate these special cases, tournaments and playoff games are to be requested using an alternative process.

    In these special situations, teams are to enter placeholder requests in Advanced Trips and then delete/reenter when more information is known. Once the final date is known and a detailed request has been entered into Advanced Trips, please send an email to with either “State Finals” or “Tournament” in the subject line. This will ensure that the Athletic Coordinator captures the request in a timely manner and schedules transportation support immediately.

  • Invoicing & Reports

    Schools and departments looking to see their invoices from athletic and excursion events, can log into Advanced Trips using the tips below. Keep in mind, billing does not take place until the 15th of the following month. You cannot run a report until the following month. The recommendation is to wait until the 25th of every month as billing first goes through transportation and then accounting.

    Advanced Trips Invoice Tips

      • Log into Advanced Trips
      • Hover your mouse over MENUS (located top center), hover your mouse over REPORTS, and click TRIP INVOICE.
      • TRIP FROM DATE; select your date 
      • TRIP TO DATE, select your date
      • Activity Trip Type ID; select EXCURSION and then click PREVIEW REPORT

    Advanced Trips Reports

      • Log into Advanced Trips
      • At the main page click ACTIVITY TRIPS(located top center)
      • Next to the Search Bar click Fliter, a window will pop up, fill in the custom fields.
      • REQUESTER search by Last Name (for example; Lewis, Jessica), then Trip Type: EXCURSION.
      • Select your date range by Trip Satrt Date.
      • You will then click APPLY