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Transportation Town Hall Meeting (Posted 10/6/20)

To:   Transportation Employees

From:  Albert Samora, Executive Director of Transportation Services

Date:   October 6, 2020

RE:  Transportation Town Hall Meeting


Mark your calendars! DPS Superintendent Susana Cordova and Deputy Superintendent of Operations Mark Ferrandino are inviting you to a town hall event. They will discuss COVID-19 safety precautions and will answer some of your questions. Please email your questions ahead of time to


When is it? Monday, October 12th from 10:30-11:15 a.m.


How can I join? Employees can access this town hall three ways:

1) Via zoom video link here

2) By calling the following number:


Meeting ID: 881 8120 9206

Passcode: 554860

3) Click this number from a mobile phone: +12532158782,,88181209206#,,,,,,0#,,554860# 


I look forward to you all joining me at this meeting. It promises to be informative.


Thank you,

Albert Samora

Executive Director of Transportation Services