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Safe Access Health Screening

To:   Transportation Employees

From:  Albert Samora, Executive Director of Transportation Services

Date:   October 7, 2020

RE:  COVID-19 Health Screening


I want to thank you for completing your health screening before you report to your worksite ahead of each shift. I want to remind you that we switched over to a new system, so please start filling out this Safe Access questionnaire at the beginning of every in-person shift. Unlike the old form you had to fill out, you only need to do this one once a day.

If you have the old form bookmarked in your phone, computer or other device, please delete that bookmark and save the new questionnaire. If you don’t have access to the internet to complete the health screening before reporting to your worksite, please talk to your supervisor.

Your diligence in completing the questionnaire helps us keep track of who came in and out of the facility. This will help us perform contact tracking, should someone test positive for COVID-19 or come in contact with someone who has tested positive. Contact tracking will help us reduce the spread and help keep staff safe.

Thank you,


Albert Samora

Executive Director of Transportation Services