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Biweekly Memo from Albert (Posted 10/9/20)

To:   Transportation Employees

From:  Albert Samora, Executive Director of Transportation Services

Date:   10/9/20

RE:  Biweekly Check-in


Thank you for your dedication to DPS Transportation Services. Because of your hard work, students across Denver are able to continue their in-person learning. I am proud of our team. Because we all work in different terminals and are often out in the field, I don’t get to check in with you very often. That’s why I’ll be sending out emails every other Friday. These emails are designed to keep everybody informed and answer common questions.


COVID-19 at Hilltop


You may have already been made aware of a staff member who tested positive for COVID-19 at the Hilltop Terminal. Once we found out about the positive test result, we immediately quarantined nine people who were deemed in direct contact and at risk for exposure, which is determined by being within six feet for more than 15 minutes, whether or not they are wearing a mask. We quarantined these employees for 14 days, as a precautionary measure to keep the virus from spreading. We immediately disinfected the areas where those employees worked, and then disinfected the building. While under quarantine, one of those employees tested positive for COVID-19. Because of this, after a conversation with the Denver Health Department yesterday, it was deemed an “outbreak.” While the word “outbreak” might sound scary, the CDC simply defines “outbreak” as: “Investigation and contact tracing, with two or more contacts identified as having active COVID-19.” Information being gathered while contact tracking is confidential and cannot be released. We continue to follow our protocols and the advice of the Health Department to lower the risk at the workplace. 


We have and will continue to put safeguards in place to lower the risk at the workplace. We already clean and disinfect all common areas and offices of the terminals everyday, to try and minimize the risk of spread, but this was an extra disinfecting event on top of what facilities workers already do. There are disinfecting soap stations around the terminals. We ask that you keep your buses cleaned and disinfected. PPE is available for students that forget or do not have a mask. We are also looking at new safety equipment to put in our buses to further protect our students and employees. 


We need your help in order to continue to keep yourself and all our employees safe. Do NOT come to work if you have symptoms you cannot explain. Call your supervisor and let them know you will not be at work. There could be applicable leave available for you to use. This is precautionary and designed to keep all employees safe at the workplace. As a reminder, here are the symptoms of COVID-19:


  • Fever (100.4 or above)
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache (a headache that could be illness related and not a typical headache, etc.)
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea


If you do have any of the above symptoms and cannot explain them, you should return home or remain home and notify your supervisor.


Masks on Students


As a reminder, drivers should not leave the terminal without extra masks on their bus. The extra masks are for students who forgot theirs. Please be aware that some SPED students cannot wear masks. Our student files are being updated daily to reflect these students. Because of students who cannot wear masks, we will provide masks and face shields for each Transportation staff member. The district has one mask per employee that will be assigned to you. If you need a mask or a face shield, please reach out to your supervisor.



I want you to know that we take your safety seriously. We’re doing our best to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19, but we can’t do that without you. That’s why we’re implementing The DPS 5. So what is that? It’s where we work together to protect each other.


  1. Complete your health screening. Complete a health screening every day before entering, and please stay home if you are sick. This means you fill out this link before or at the beginning of your shift. We will also be taking your temperature as you enter the terminal.
  2. Wear a mask or a face covering. Face coverings are required in the terminal and on your bus. 
  3. Maintain physical distance. Please stay at least six feet away from other adults.
  4. Meet virtually. The District would like you to refrain from having official meetings in-person. Instead, please use Google, Zoom or some other virtual space.
  5. Practice good hygiene. Cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching your face. Wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer.


Cleaning the Terminals

Transportation personnel are disinfecting main work areas daily. Facility team members are wiping down doors and handles every day. We’ve also placed hand sanitizing stations around the terminals. Please use them.

Cleaning Your Bus

While we’re taking care of the terminals, we need you to take care of your bus. This includes making sure everyone on the bus, including students and staff, wears a mask. We will provide you with masks to give to students who forget theirs. If you need more masks, please ask your supervisor for more. 

You will need to begin implementing extra steps into your routine. During your pre-trip inspection, you will need to spray high-touched areas, including seatbacks, seats and windows. After spraying those areas, you can let them air dry as you begin your route. You will need to repeat that process after each segment, and then spray down the bus one more time before you exit at the terminal. Please go through this slideshow for more on changes to the terminal and buses due to COVID-19.

DPS Employees and the Election

As election season ramps up, you might be wondering what you can and can’t do. You might be wondering how vocal you’re allowed to be when supporting your candidate or ballot measures. The following bullet points outline rules for DPS employees when it comes to elections:

  • Can I donate my own money or walk in support of a ballot initiative or candidate I believe in? Answer: Yes, as long as it is outside of work time and not using district resources. 
  • Can I collect money from colleagues at work in support of a ballot initiative or candidate? Answer: No.
  • Can I print copies of a flier supporting a ballot initiative or candidate on a school/district copy machine? Even after work hours? Answer: No. 
  • Can I wear a campaign t-shirt, hat or button or display campaign materials at work? Answer: No. 
  • What if someone asks me questions about a ballot initiative or candidate -- can I answer if I'm at work? Answer: Yes, but it's complicated. Look to the employee manual for guidance.
  • Can I use district email to advocate for a ballot initiative or candidate? Answer: No.
  • Can I send unsolicited emails to district email addresses to advocate for a candidate, as long as I do that from my personal email? Answer: No.
  • Can I use my personal social media accounts outside of work hours to advocate for a ballot initiative? Answer: Yes.


You can also read through the DPS Employee Manual beginning on page 12 to see more legal “do”s and “don’t”s of the election season.

Again, thank you for being part of the team and for working diligently to help keep everyone safe.

Thank you,

Albert Samora

Executive Director of Transportation Services