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Wear Your Mask (Posted 11/2/20)

To:   Transportation Employees

From:  Albert Samora, Executive Director of Transportation Services

Date:   November 2, 2020

RE:  Wear Your Mask


I’d like to thank those of you who wear your mask whenever you report to work. I appreciate your help in slowing the spread of COVID-19. This email is to remind everyone that masks are mandatory, not optional. 

You have to wear a face mask even when outside in the lot. If you’re driving, you need to wear a mask. If you’re walking to the restroom, you need to wear a mask. If you share an office with someone, you need to wear a mask. If you’re talking with a coworker, you need to wear a mask. In short, you need to wear a face mask at work.

I understand that some of us don’t enjoy wearing masks, but we’re all in this together. It is all of our responsibility to make sure we’re keeping each other safe by following the DPS 5

Thank you,

Albert Samora

Executive Director of Transportation Services