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Punching In and Out (Posted 03/23/21)

To: Drivers and Paras
From: Lonnie Rodriguez
Date: March 23, 2021
RE: Punching In and Out

Dear Drivers and Paras,

As COVID-19 restrictions begin to relax across Denver and Colorado, and as more people are getting vaccinated, we feel it is time to return to a state of normalcy in Transportation.

Beginning April 5th, you will need to punch in and punch out according to your bid times. Supervisors will no longer punch employees out at the end of their shift, A.M. or P.M. However, you cannot enter the Terminals until five minutes prior to your punch out and you must exit immediately upon punching out.

Although this is one step closer to returning to normal, it is not a free-for-all. We will continue following guidance from The DPS 5.

Thank you,

Lonnie Rodriguez
Terminal Director