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New Mask Usage Guidance (Posted 06.09.21)

To:       Transportation Employees

From:  Albert Samora, Executive Director of Transportation Services

Date:   June 9, 2021

RE:  Updated Mask Usage


As you’ve no doubt noticed, mask requirements are loosening across the state. Now, based on continued discussions with health partners, the District is changing its policies for masks. When reading through the following changes, please make note of the third bullet: you must wear a mask if you are near students, regardless of whether or not you’ve been vaccinated.




  • Vaccinated employees at any of our non-school-based locations (including the Hilltop and Northeast Terminals) are no longer required to wear masks. This revised guidance extends to any setting and circumstance at our non-school-based locations, including:
    • At their desks.
    • When walking around in buildings.
    • In collaborative work or social spaces (vaccinated individuals can now eat lunch together; individuals should continue to maintain 3 feet distancing.)
    • In meetings (note that meetings are still limited to 50% of a room capacity and up to 10 in-person individuals in meetings; participants should continue to maintain distancing in meetings.)


  • Unvaccinated employees are required to continue to wear masks in all DPS buildings at all times, except when they are eating or are alone in a dedicated and closed office space or room.  


  • At this time, all students and employees, regardless of their vaccination status, are required to wear masks in our school locations and on the school bus when students are present, given the need to protect our students who may not yet have access to the vaccine. Vaccinated individuals in school buildings without students present may follow the above outlined protocols. 


  • Your manager does have the right to confirm your vaccination status by asking for proof of vaccination. In order to comply with health and safety guidelines, managers may ask you if you are two weeks past full vaccination and when you received your vaccination or will receive a future booster. DPS may ask to see your vaccination card. 


Thank you for following this new guidance. If you have any questions, please reach out to your supervisor.


Thank you,


Albert Samora

Executive Director of Transportation Services