• Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment (ASCENT)


    ASCENT is a 5th year high school program that allows eligible students the opportunity to attend one year of college for free. Students join ASCENT the year after 12th grade and take all classes on a college campus. Students attend a participating technical, community, or 4 year college beginning the fall after 12th grade. ASCENT gives students a head start in earning a certificate, associate's, or bachelor's degree...all while saving time and money.

  • ASCENT Applicants (current HS Seniors)

    The ASCENT application window closed March 1. On March 17, all ASCENT applicants received an email informing them of their eligibility status. Students' application status was one of the following: 

    • Eligible: Student has met ASCENT eligibility requirements.
    • Eligible with Conditions: Student is in the process of meeting ASCENT eligibility requirements.
    • Not-Eligible: We have reviewed the student's application and determined the student is not, and will not become, eligible for ASCENT. If you feel a “Not-Eligible” decision is incorrect, please email to re-evaluate this decision. 


    • April 1-12: Attend an ASCENT Informational meeting (April 1-12)
    • April 14-June 1: Submit required documents. A link to the submission form will be posted here on April 14. The required documents will be discussed in detail during the informational meeting.
      • ASCENT Agreement Form - Sections A, B, and C only
      • College Transcript(s) showing 9 college credits earned
      • Financial Aid Confirmation
    • Pass Spring 2025 CE courses (if needed for eligibility)
    • Meet high school graduation requirements
    • Collect high school diploma (by June 1)

    Eligible students who want to join ASCENT must attend a live, virtual meeting or watch a recorded meeting in order to join the ASCENT program. Parents/guardians/counselors are welcome to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the benefits and requirements of ASCENT so that students can decide if the program is right for them. 

    Meeting dates are listed below. Students only need to attend one meeting to fulfill the requirement. If unable to attend a live meeting, a student can watch a recorded meeting and submit a form to verify completion. The link to the recorded meeting will be posted here on Monday, April 5. Spanish is available on specific date (to be posted soon!).

    • Tuesday, April 1 @ 12pm
    • Wednesday, April 2 @ 4pm
    • Thursday, April 3 @ 3pm
    • Friday, April 4 @ 12pm

    Click on the virtual meeting link below to log into the meeting on the date/time that works best for you. No meeting registration is necessary. 
    Virtual Meeting Link:
    Or call-in: (845) 640-1231‬ PIN: ‪491 099 666‬#

    ASCENT applicants are allowed to receive their diplomas at graduation. Students participating in ASCENT are required to turn in their original high school diploma by June 1st. Students can bring their diploma to their high school counselor or directly to the ASCENT team. The ASCENT team will hold diplomas until a student completes or exits the program.

    Students no longer interested in ASCENT can decline their application at any time using this link. Once submitted, our team will decline their application and remove them from our communications list.

  • What is ASCENT?


    ACCELERATING STUDENTS THROUGH CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT (ASCENT) is a 5th year high school program funded by the state that allows DPS to pay tuition and fees for one full year of college (fall and spring semesters) for participating students. Students can enroll at one of eight participating colleges and universities (see 'College Partners', below).

    Passed into law in 2009 as an extension of the Concurrent Enrollment program, the purpose of ASCENT is to create a streamlined path for students to earn college credits toward an associate’s degree, bachelor's degree or industry certification...all while saving time and money. Any DPS student can participate in ASCENT the year after graduation if they meet the eligibility requirements of the program.

    The DPS team provides ASCENT students wraparound services including academic, social-emotional and financial support throughout their first year of college to support the critical transition from high school to college. 

  • Eligibility

    Who is Eligible for ASCENT?

    Students with at least 9 credit hours of college coursework by graduation may be eligible for the ASCENT program. 

    To be eligible for the program, a student must:

    • Complete and pass 9 credit hours of college coursework by the end of senior year:
      • 100-level or higher Concurrent Enrollment course w/a C or better and listed on a student’s high school and college transcripts; 
      • Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams taken prior to senior year may count toward the 9 credits needed for eligibility with specific exam scores*
      • CLEP exam scores may count toward the 9 credits needed with specific exam scores*
    • Meet all DPS high school graduation requirements by end of senior year
    • Be college ready in English and Mathematics in your desired career pathway (does not apply to students attending EGTC and PTC)
    • Be in the Class of 2025 (cannot be a Year 13 or 5th year HS student)
    • Be less than 21 years old as of October 1st after graduation
    • Graduate from a traditional, pathway or charter school in DPS (not an Early College or PTECH HS)
    • Apply and be admitted to the college or university you will attend during your ASCENT year (list of partners below)

    *exams must be transcripted on a college transcript no later than June 30th of a student's 12th grade year.

  • College Partners

    ASCENT Program College Partners

    Community Colleges
    · Arapahoe Community College (ACC)
    · Community College of Aurora (CCA)
    · Community College of Denver (CCD)
    · Front Range Community College (FRCC)
    · Red Rocks Community College (RRCC)

    Technical Colleges
    · Emily Griffith Technical College (EGTC)
    · Pickens Technical College (PTC)

    · Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU) 

  • Apply Here!

    Work with your high school counselor or DSF advisor to complete the ASCENT application: ASCENT Application for 2025-26

  • Important Dates

    Important Dates

    November 1: Application Opens
    March 1: Application Closes
    March 17: Notification of Eligibility
    April 1-12: Attend informational meeting
    April 14-June 1: Submit all required documents. June 1 is the deadline to submit requirements for ASCENT.

  • College Ready Measures

  • Things to Know about ASCENT

    • DPS ASCENT pays for all tuition, fees and textbooks for the Fall and Spring semesters following 12th grade. 
    • DPS ASCENT offers chromebooks, hotspots and graphing calculators for students to use during the ASCENT year.
    • ASCENT students are considered 5th year high school students and therefore cannot accept federal or state financial aid while in the ASCENT program. Students are allowed to apply for scholarships that do not require first-time undergraduate student status.
    • ASCENT students continue to have full access to Denver Health clinics.
    • ASCENT students participate in all high school graduation activities. 
    • A high school diploma is held by ASCENT team until student completes or exits the program.
    • The official graduation date on a high school transcript will reflect the date a student completes or exits ASCENT.
    • Courses taken during ASCENT year will appear on the high school transcript however they will not impact HS GPA.
    • Students may not be able to live on campus (it varies by campus).
    • Early College, PTECH students cannot participate in ASCENT as they are excluded from the Concurrent Enrollment Programs Act.

  • ASCENT Graphic Image