• Work Study Credit

    Work Study provides students an opportunity to earn high school elective credit through employment, volunteer work or an unpaid internship. Students must obtain permission from their school counselor or principal prior to earning credit for hours worked. 

    Work Study Credit - Criteria

    Specific requirements must be met in order for a student to earn credit, including:

    • Completion of DPS Work StudyAgreement signed by student, parent/guardian, supervisor, and school staff
    • Completion of required number of hours for credit (see chart below)
    • Submission of documentation verifying number of hours worked (pay stubs, timesheets, volunteer service records, etc.)
    • Completion of an evaluation by supervisor or staff member OR a reflection essay (instructions provided)
    • Oversight by DPS staff

    Work Study jobs, volunteer work and unpaid internships are not sponsored by DPS. Students initiate these experiences.

    The table below outlines the number of credits a student can earn through Work Study, the Work Study course codes and the hours a student needs to complete in order to earn credit.

    Work Study 

    Credit Limits

    Students may earn up to 3 units during high school 

    Course Codes

    07376, 07377

    Work Hours/Units Earned

    165/.5 units

    245/1.0 units

    365/1.5 units



  • Who issues work study credit?

    Counselors usually issue work study credit. On occasion, other staff such as Navigators, may be responsible for Work Study credit.

  • What if a student is undocumented? Can they still earn Work Study Credit?

    Yes. The student could be considered a volunteer or unpaid intern. Hours can be tracked on the timesheet provided in the Work Study Agreement.

  • What if I have questions about Work Study? Who should I ask?

    Your school counselor can answer questions about Work Study credit.


  • Counseling Team
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St, 10th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203


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