• Xplore Industry Exploration Program

    Xplore events are geared to bring excitement, context and understanding about different industries. They help high school students make informed career choices, build professional relationships within their chosen field and prepare for rewarding careers. Some partners we have worked with in the past include Denver Health, Building (BOMA), Microsoft, Xcel Energy, United Airlines and the City of Denver. 

    If you are a student interested in participating in an Xplore event, please use the Interest Form to be connected with a Navigator. Please note: Not all high schools offer Xplore events.

  • What are the benefits of participating in the Xplore program?

    • High school students are exposed to various industries and learn about the careers featured through business tours that include hands-on actvities.
    • The Xplore program supports students in making informed decisions about their post-secondary plans.

  • How does it work?

    • Events are listed in a master calendar that can be accessed by school based CCS Staff (Navigators). Navigators recruit and support students throughout the events.
    • Navigators are certified to transport up to 14 students to/from events using Small Activity Buses.
    • If partners are participating in the Xplore program at the school site, Navigators recruit students and provide support to guest speakers.

  • What are the minimum requirements to participate in the Xplore program?

    • All students in high schools supported by a Navigator are eligible to participate. Schools without Navigator support may participate when space is available as long as staff can transport students to/from the event.
    • Some schools may have requirements for participation (i.e minimum GPA or attendance rate).

  • How do I get started?

    If you are interested, talk to your school Navigator or the Program Manager (diana_casillaschavez@dpsk12.net), and complete an INTEREST SURVEY to learn more and take charge of your future!


  • Career Development Team
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St, 10th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

    Diana Casillas
    Manager, Xplore Industry Exploration & Youth Apprenticeship Programs 

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