• Coach Mentoring Program (Middle and High School, Affinity Groups)

    Coach Mentoring is a year-long program that matches 10th and 8th grade students with industry professionals that help support them in envisioning and planning for their career and post-secondary journey.  A Coach Mentoring Program Coordinator recruits students from their CTE classes and/or based on specific demographic information tailored towards affinity spaces.

    Mentors and mentees complete:

    • Informational interviewing
    • Career & post secondary research
    • Resume building
    • College & site visits
    • Presentation of Learning
  • What grades does the Coach Mentoring Program serve?

    Grades 8 & 10

  • What does the Coach Mentoring Program cost?

    Coach Mentoring is free to all DPS district-managed schools (for charter school fee information reach out to Coach Manager)

  • What will my school be asked to do to participate?

    • CTE Pathway Directors support by ensuring that Coach Mentoring Program Coordinators are supported in:
      • Securing/reserving space for sessions
      • Ensuring food is delivered to the appropriate location
      • Assisting with connecting coordinators to school staff/admin

  • What does a Coach event look like?

    • Coordinators facilitate monthly sessions for 2.5 hours.  

    • Each session contains a warm welcome, career/post-secondary component, and an optimistic closure.

  • How are students recruited to participate in Coach?

    Coach Mentoring Program Coordinators recruit students from their CTE classes, based on demographic/affinity specific information (BIPOC, Spanish Speaking, Women in STEAM), or nominations from school staff.

  • How does my school get involved?

    Please reach out to the Coach Mentoring Program Manager listed below.

  • Can I participate as a DPS Staff Member?

    Yes!  Please reach out to the Coach Mentoring Program Manager listed below for more information.


  • Career Development Team
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St, 10th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

    Courtney Ward
    Manager, Coach Mentoring Program

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