• P-TECH: Pathways in Technology Early College High School

    A P-TECH high school, as defined by HB15-1270, is a high school that provides an innovative partnership between a school district, a community college(s), and one or more local high growth industry employer(s). 

    A P-TECH high school includes up to 6 years of high school, designed to prepare students for high-potential careers in industry by enabling them to graduate with a high school diploma and an industry-recognized associate degree. Students may also earn pre-apprenticeship certificates and other industry-recognized certificates in addition to an associate degree.

    A P-TECH can be a stand-alone school with its own school code, or a program within an existing high school using the existing school’s code.

    P-TECH Academic Expectations 

    • High school diploma + high-grown industry recognized associate degree. 
    • Industry recognized pre-apprenticeship and other certificates can be earned in addition to associate degree.
    • Must have a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) focus that is informed by current and projected industry standards.
    • Must receive workplace experiences and training (mentoring, job shadowing, internships, pre-apprenticeship training).

    Denver Public Schools has one state-designated P-TECH high school, Abraham Lincoln High School.

    For more information about early college high school, please contact Tara Schneider, tschnei@dpsk12.net.

    1860 Lincoln Street 
    Denver, CO 80203

    Tara's Head Shot  

    Tara Schneider, M.A.
    Senior Manager, Higher Education Academics