• Office Profressional smiling at her desk

    MLE Office Professionals Course

    Learn how to enter Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ) and Parent Permission Forms (PPF) into Infinite Campus

  • Access Requirements

    • Must complete the MLE Office Support Professionals Course in Learning Space (Available 8/1/24.)
    • Once these requirements are met, access to IC MLE should be granted automatically within two business days (sometimes sooner) with no need to manually request access. (If, after two full business days, you have not been granted access, please reach out to DoTS.)

  • Recertification

    For those with Office Professional job roles, each year your access will be automated after completion of the course. You will receive an email notifying you when your access has been granted. You no longer need to submit a request for this access to the DoTS Service Desk. (Note: OPs are required to complete this training annually. Access is removed each summer and automatically granted again after completing the training).


  • Department of Technology Services (DoTS)
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St., 7th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

    Submit your own incident 24/7
    Click on the DoTS Help button below:

    DoTS Help Button

    Call Us
    Monday through Friday
    720-423-3888 (English and Spanish)
