Change Control
Change Control is a formal process used to ensure that changes to a product or system are introduced in a controlled and coordinated manner. More specifically, it’s a process whereby changes are requested, reviewed, approved, implemented, and evaluated.
Change Control is important for DoTS and DPS as a whole because it helps ensure that changes are planned carefully, implemented well, and communicated to those that are impacted. When changes are implemented well, we can continue to provide stable and effective services to team DPS.
If you are new to Change Control within the Department of Technology Services, take a look at this overview presentation to dip your toes into the Change Control waters.
What’s Considered a Change?
Change Control is the process. A change request is the documentation used to request the actual change. A change is defined as the addition, modification, or removal of anything that could have an effect on DoTS production services.
Since not all changes are created equal, the process differentiates between minor, standard, significant, or major changes. Changes are categorized based on the risk & impact that the change would have on DoTS production services. This assessment is an important step as it determines the level of review that will be applied to the change.
To determine which bucket each change falls into, multiple metrics are considered. The intent of these metrics is to guide the categorization, and are not meant as strict boundaries. Not all metrics need to be considered for any given change, rather only the areas most impacted by the change may be relevant for determining the classification.
Below are thechange classifications for major tools & systems used by DoTS. View the detailed change types document for more informaiton on the types as well as practical examples.

Content Accordion
Who Participates in Change Control?
DoTS Team Members: Request, view, and update changes
Change Managers: The first, and sometimes only, approvers of changes
Change Advisory Board: A crossfunctional team of leaders that review and vote on select changes
What is the High Level Change Control Process?
The Change Control process starts with a change request which is reveiwed by a Change Manager. For significant, major, and ERP changes, the change is reviewed by the Change Advisory Board. Once the change is approved, the change is implemented and a post implementatin review is completed. The final step is for the change to be closed by the Change Manager.
Detailed step by steps instructions on how to request a change as well as other steps in the process can be found in the Request a Change QRG.
Change Best Practices
When changes go well, we hardly remember them. Sometimes, that's the goal! Many technical changes happen behind the scenes and keep things working so users and customers can go about their very important work.
Successful changes are:
Planned carefully
Consider the impact on people including end-users, and support teams
Have code or peer review
Are thoroughly tested
Are communicated
Well documented
The Change Control and Release Management processes help ensure that Changes will be successful.
Change Think Throughs
To help you think through what might be needed to ensure that your change is successful, take a look at the change checklist. All checklist items will not apply to all changes but are intended to help you think about your change and possible steps that can be taken to improve your outcomes
Quick Reference Guides
The following documents provide step by step instructions for common Change Control tasks:
Request a Change: includes steps for requesting a change, managing tasks, implementing a change, viewing the change calendar, and adding dashboards. (revised 1/4/2023)
Change Manager tasks: To help those assigned the Change Manager role with tasks including the initial approval of changes, and closing changes.
- Change Advisory Board tasks: To help members of the Change Advisory Board with steps for voting on changes. (revised 1/4/2023)
Quick Reference Videos
These videos demonstrate small pieces of the process, functionality or features.
Request a change (revised 1/4/23)
Find your own changes (new 7/2023)
View the change calendar (revised 1/4/23)
Add dashboards including the Change Dashboard and Team - Change dashboard (revised 1/4/23)
Mark a change as implemented and complete a post implementation review
Finding the reasons for canceled tasks (new 2/22/23)
Create your own saved search (report) (new 3/6/23)
CAB locate and vote on changes (new 1/4/23)
Alternate ways to locate change/s that need your vote
ERP Change Control Resources
The following resources are specific to the ERP Change Control process.
Quick Reference Guide ERP Change Control (new 3/22/23)
Video -Create standard ERP tasks on an incident (new 2/22/23)
Video -Create an ERP change request from an incident (new 3/22/23)
Video - View all active BIS and ERP incidents using a saved search (new 2/22/23)
Video - Finding the reasons for canceled tasks (new 2/22/23)
Slides from ERP Change Control Update Training April 2023 (new April 2023)
ERP CAB Training (July 2023)
Other Resources
Change Control Overview presentation - Start here if you are new to Change Control at DPS (updated December 2024)
Change Checklist: To help you think through your upcoming change to ensure that it is more successful.
Change Managers, CAB members and backups: This sheet identifies who holds these important roles as well as their back-ups and point of contact.
Change Control Foundations Training Slides - April 2022
Change Manager Training Session Slides - April 2022
CAB Member Training Session Slides - April 2022
- Project plan template - May 2023