Staff Internet Filter Override

  • Young student smilingn while at her laptop

    Denver Public Schools prohibits access to potentially mature, harmful and/or objectionable online resources using internet filtering. Regardless of the circumstances, students are not permitted to log into any social media website(s). As always, teachers should use their professional judgment when selecting online resources for use in their classrooms to minimize student exposure to potentially mature and/or objectionable content.  

    Filtering Exceptions

    To better meet the needs of DPS schools, teachers and departments, staff may request an exception for access to a blocked online resource.  Within the guidelines of the federally mandated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), blocked internet sites may be opened for legitimate purposes.


  • Staff Filter Override

    In some instances, staff may see an override button allowing them to grant temporary access to a web resource.  For more information see, Staff Filter Override Instructions.

    Note:  Most users will not see an override button and will need to work with their principal or manager to reqeust a filtering exception.

  • Request a Filtering Exception

    To request access to a blocked online resource, please follow the steps below:

    1. Evaluate & consider alternative options (eg. subscription databases, print materials, etc.)
    2. Consult with your school principal concerning the instructional needs for an exception
    3. If approved, the school principal must submit the request through DoTS Help.

  • Content Not Secure

    Certain online resources may present a “Connection not secure” security warning. If you see this message on a personal device, see our instructions below for installing our digital certificate. 

    Windows (Chrome, IE/Edge and Chromebooks)

    MAC (Safari)

    Firefox (use the Windows or Mac instructions and then update Firefox settings)

    Apple iOS (ipad, iphone) 


  • Approving YouTube Videos

    For information about approving YouTube videos, see the information available on YouTube on theCommons.

  • YouTube - DPS Policy

    For more information about DPS YouTube policy, see the information available on YouTube on theCommons.


    District Policies and Guidelines

    For information about district policies relating to internet use, please visit: District Policies and Guidelines.


  • Department of Technology Services (DoTS)
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St., 7th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

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