About DoTS

  • Two boys use a computer in the classroom.


    We support student success by providing innovative and operationally excellent technology environments that meet the evolving needs of our students and staff. We believe that technology is a positive, enabling force for parent engagement, student engagement, educator effectiveness, operational efficiency, student safety, and student achievement. So we provide the resources necessary to sustain the growth of technology systems, devices, and tools required for impactful, efficient and effective student learning, family engagement, and district operations. The vision for DoTS is to:

    • Partner – To empower every student
    • Drive – Excellence and Innovation
    • Fuse – Learning and Technology

    What We Do

    • Build and maintain an advanced and reliable suite of technology for the benefit of all district stakeholders, including network, wireless, software applications, systems integration, data and reporting
    • Provide excellent customer service, training, and support 
    • Promote efficient and effective use of technology in our classrooms
    • Advocate for fulfilling technology needs across the district




  • Department of Technology Services (DoTS)
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St., 7th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

     Man (Dr. Charles) in a suit and tie

    Dr. Richard Charles
    Chief of Information

    Site Manager
    DoTS Training

    DoTS Service Desk:

    Click on the green DoTS Help Button below to submit an incident 24/7

         DoTS Help

    Call Us:

    Monday through Friday
    720-423-3888 (English and Spanish)

    DoTS Org Chart

    DoTS' Org Chart